Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Three in Three!

So far my New Year's resolution is in tact....three blogs in three days.....don't hold your breath!  ha!

I feel like the Lord is preparing my heart for a big change this year.  ...Expect the Unexpected...

Homeschooling has most recently come back to my mind.  This has been a four year process....  I thought I had been "let off the hook" but find myself trying to jump back on.  I get excited thinking about the many prospects.

Gavin and I had a long talk this morning about priorities.  What ARE our priorities when it comes to our children's education?  Do we want to expose them to as much as possible or make sure they have dear friends to go through school with?  Is academics more important than the social aspect?  If we cultivate a lifestyle of learning at home does it really matter what the public school system exposes them to?  Where will they have the most stimulation?  What about Reece who has found her confidence by being out from under Raegan's shadow, being at a different school - with her own friends, etc.? 

...then there's the dreaded homeschool mom stereotype....  Now I have to say I have some pretty cool friends that completely shatter that stereotype:  Anna, Kim, Denise, name a few.  They are all hot mama's that are creative, fun and create an awesome environment for a lifestyle of learning.  However, it is still a thought I have to battle - why do I care?  I shouldn't....

Balance is the spice of life!  It's also the place where true faith is discovered.  That's what I'm hoping to discover in the journey of this year....

Raegan has a lot of great ideas.  Jenny is getting excited about it, too.  I think about weekly museum trips to the Smithsonian....what an amazing place to live for homeschooling!  I think about being able to have music lessons during the day, gymnastics, trips to the library, art enrichment, starting our own Planting Sequoias co-op, science projects, etc.  What if we got a french au pair to live with us and help teach the whole family french?  Being able to travel and have an apostolic ministry would fit perfectly with homeschooling....

.....balance....  One day at a time - led by the Spirit. 

I really just want to be obedient.  I'm not looking for more work.  I know that I need alone time every day.  I enjoy the few hours I have while Reece and Raegan are in won't be long before all the girls are in school!  I could always go back to school and get my Masters in education.  Teaching is definitely in my blood, though I tried to deny it.  I love to teach. 

I also feel a pulling to pursue an education in counseling.....  Maybe it's not children I'm supposed to teach, but something to do with Women's ministry or Family ministry.  That is also very close to my heart.  The Lord has certainly brought a lot of these types of opportunities our way over the past six years.  Would I really be able to do these things if I were homeschooling?

...Lord, I need you to make sense of all of these thoughts!  I truly just want to be obedient.  Give me wisdom to know what step to take next.  ...everything I am for Your Kingdom...I'm in Your hands and I trust you...


Melanie said...

Hey again Emily!

You and Gavin are such an ideal couple to homeschool your kids. You all do so much already with your girls, a lot of it would probably feel like a natural transition.

Jeff was all for homeschooling from the start, but I really went back and forth about it for a while. Last year was our first year, and although I knew it was what I was supposed to be doing, I didn't always enjoy it. Part of that was a function of having a new baby, Ethan was 3, I had really high expectations of myself, and I was in a co-op that didn't really fit us as well as I had hoped.

This year, while it has a new set of challenges, (not the least of which is having a toddler in the house!!!) has been so enjoyable. I have more realistic expectations, I'm using teaching material that's more our style, and I have a more organized schedule. I am also enjoying learning many things I either tuned out in school or was never taught (I never knew history was so interesting!).

You definitely do give up a lot of your own freedom when you have your kids all the time and are taking total responsibility for their education, and you are really smart to take that into consideration before you decide what to do. You won't have the same time available to you that you do now. But there are a lot of benefits to offset that, like not being tied to a school schedule.

I have struggled with the whole image thing too! When I got my hair cut last time, I told the man cutting my hair that I was a homeschooling mom, but didn't want to look like one! Is that awful, or what? :-) But times are a changing, and it's not just the bread baking, long skirt, no make-up wearing mom who is homeschooling anymore.

You guys should go to the homeschooling convention in VA in June. My friend Trish who lives in Richmond spoke so highly of it. I'm sure you've done a lot of reading, but I'll tell you my two favorite books on the subject: The Well-Trained Mind by Susan Wise Bauer (it covers K-12) and The Case for Classical Christian Education by Doug Wilson (I know he's a controversial figure, but it is a good book).

Lastly, I know the Spirit will lead you as you keep in step with Him. And whatever decision you guys make will be the right one. I will be excited to read your thoughts throughout this process!


Unknown said...

Melanie, thanks so much for this thoughtful reply! I really appreciate the encouragement! ..and I'll certainly look into the resources you've mentioned. I know that the biggest resource to a mom who is homeschooling is her network of support. I feel so blessed to have such a network!
much love,

Anonymous said...

Hey Emily!
So glad to see your posting again.
I was so jazzed to read about your suggestions for disney- we have been suprised by many couples saying what a super fun relaxing vacation it was. I'm not up on time shares & how they work but if we used yours could you say about how much it would cost? You could email me if you want-
Also- could totally relate to the mirad of thots /questions about homeschooling- it is such a journey. I am stoked to watch how Father leads you guys & how the story unfolds- for now, I applaud your and Gavin asking the hard questions - choosing the blue pill if you will- ie 'stepping out of the matrix'
with hope,
mandy (jones)walters

Unknown said...

Hi Mandy! Thanks so much for your encouragement!

We would LOVE for you to use our timeshare. It would be a little over $100 for the week - that's it!! Isn't that great?! I'll double check the exact amount. I can't remember off the top of my head.

We have a two bedroom unit with a full kitchen, dining area, etc. There are pools, hot tubs and a small put-put course on the resort. It's nothing fancy, but just across the road from the Disney parks, and down the street from Universal and Sea World.

much love,

(I totally know who you are "warrior princess"!!! no last name necessary:))

FreeK said...

So glad to see you posting again, now I will have to make time to read blogs again. I've gotten so engrossed in facebook, I have slacked off. I try to keep pictures posted for our families back home.

Anyway, thanks for the shout out about being a hip homeschool mom although right now my roots are showing and I need a good upper lip wax if you know what I mean :).

I am certain that part of your desire to homeschool goes back to your experience with the Critchers and your many friends that do it. I also agree homeschooling near Washington would be sweet. Its good to hear you guys are considering it and that you are taking your time about it. I don't think there is a right or wrong answer and I'm sure God will lead you. Just know that whatever you decide you will always question if you are doing the right thing for your kids (not always, but its just natural to have those things creep up). I will pray that you will not be anxious about it but continue to seek His wisdom about it. You would be an awesome homeschool mom and you would enjoy extended time you get to have with your kids. You can always build in a rest time in the middle of the day, this is my saving grace. However, if God leads you to keep them in school that doesn't always mean you have to go back to work or school. Kids need their moms to be at home and available and the church needs women who can train younger women and visit widows and minister to the church. Just my thoughts. Love you!