Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Special Comment for McCain

(Julie, I promise I'm going to get back to family stuff:) Thanks so much for your comment! You're sweet. Kim, morning sickness has been brutal and has definitely affected my motivation to email, talk on the phone, do laundry ....blog:) I'm in my 16th week, but hopefully it won't last too much longer. Thanks for asking!)

I've been extremely appalled at the hatred I've seen at the McCain rallies. Even around here Obama signs are being stolen and knocked down. I've never seen this kind of hatred fostered in an election. It's shocking.

Hatred exists. We all know this. However, the most shocking part is that McCain isn't doing ANYTHING about it, much less Sarah Palin. Shame on them both!


Dustin & Daphne Petrey said...

Hey Emily,

We're seeing quite a few McCain signs being stolen down here. Also, the Republican Headquarters in Boone has been vandalized twice. Let's be honest, it's on both sides. Sad but true.


Unknown said...

You don't hear supporters yelling out "terrorist", "kill him" and "traitor", to name a few, at Obama rally's. I have no doubt there is unethical behavior on both sides...very sad, but true...but it can not be dismissed that McCain and Palin are fostering hatred at their rally's.
You can't say in one breath "Obama pals around with domestic terrorists" and in another say "there's no reason to fear him being president".
They are definitely playing with fire, and being extremely irresponsible.

FreeK said...

Just today we received a phone call from the RNC/McCain/Palin campaign explaining how Obama is closely related to terrorists who have "killed Americans". This one day after McCain repudiated his comments about the Ayers/Obama connection. I tried calling to just let them know how disappointed I was in these tactics. I was hopeful the Republicans would stop trying to use fear tactics and start talking about real plans for the future. By the way did anyone notice John McCain say that he would not use being pro life as a litmus test to appoint judges? He may vote pro-life, but if he is not going to appoint pro-life judges how is this any different than Obama?

Dustin & Daphne Petrey said...

October 16
Secret Service says "Kill him" allegation unfounded
By Andrew M. Seder aseder@timesleader.com
Staff Writer

SCRANTON – The agent in charge of the Secret Service field office in Scranton said allegations that someone yelled “kill him” when presidential hopeful Barack Obama’s name was mentioned during Tuesday’s Sarah Palin rally are unfounded.

The Scranton Times-Tribune first reported the alleged incident on its Web site Tuesday and then again in its print edition Wednesday. The first story, written by reporter David Singleton, appeared with allegations that while congressional candidate Chris Hackett was addressing the crowd and mentioned Obama’s name a man in the audience shouted “kill him."

News organizations including ABC, The Associated Press, The Washington Monthly and MSNBC’s Countdown with Keith Olbermann reported the claim, with most attributing the allegations to the Times-Tribune story.

Agent Bill Slavoski said he was in the audience, along with an undisclosed number of additional secret service agents and other law enforcement officers and not one heard the comment.

“I was baffled,” he said after reading the report in Wednesday’s Times-Tribune.

He said the agency conducted an investigation Wednesday, after seeing the story, and could not find one person to corroborate the allegation other than Singleton.

Slavoski said more than 20 non-security agents were interviewed Wednesday, from news media to ordinary citizens in attendance at the rally for the Republican vice presidential candidate held at the Riverfront Sports Complex. He said Singleton was the only one to say he heard someone yell “kill him.”

“We have yet to find someone to back up the story,” Slavoski said. “We had people all over and we have yet to find anyone who said they heard it.”

Hackett said he did not hear the remark.

Slavoski said Singleton was interviewed Wednesday and stood by his story but couldn’t give a description of the man because he didn’t see him he only heard him.

When contacted Wednesday afternoon, Singleton referred questions to Times-Tribune Metro Editor Jeff Sonderman. Sonderman said, “We stand by the story. The facts reported are true and that’s really all there is.”

Slavoski said the agents take such threats or comments seriously and immediately opened an investigation but after due diligence “as far as we’re concerned it’s closed unless someone comes forward.” He urged anyone with knowledge of the alleged incident to call him at 346-5781. “We’ll run at all leads,” he said.

Unknown said...

Am I to understand that you, through this article, are suggesting that the Obama campaign is fabricating the "kill him" remark? As if "terrorist" and "traitor" don't insight enough hatred and fear, they need to introduce the words "kill him" to the angry mob?! Really?!

Dustin & Daphne Petrey said...


I'm not sure how you got that from the article I posted. Nowhere in the article was the suggestion that the Obama campaign fabricated the "kill him" remark. It is simply an article showing that that remark has been investigated and found empty.

As far as what you are saying...I'll agree that some of the things said at the rallies are not good. There are bad apples in every crowd.

All I'm asking is that you criticize equally. How is it that McCain needs to be held accountable for some things said at his rallies and Obama gets off for some of the things said by his followers about Sarah Palin? Do we need to question his non-repudiation of the attacks on her character or her 17 year old daughter? What about the attacks on the character of Joe the Plumber, a private citizen? Goodness, what about the attacks on the valor and service of John McCain? Emily, some of the things said about Sarah Palin, I cannot even type them here for fear of young readers reading them.

At any rate, I realize that I'm not going to change your mind on Obama and that's okay. I do have one question though...and the reason I ask is to satisfy my own curiosity. You don't have to answer but I'd be interested in knowing. The question is as follows:

Do any of Barack Obama's past and/or present associations bug you in the least? More specifically, does his having a relationship with any of them bug you in the least? Let me list them...

Frank Marshall Davis

Are these relationships worth talking about or are they, in your opinion distractions from the "real" issues such as our current economic state, foreign policy, war in Irag/Afghanistan, etc.?

Lastly, could you agree with me that the inspection and evaluation of a person's character, revealed in choices(relationships, decisions, voting record, associations) made throughout a career is how a candidate should be chosen to lead?

For what it's worth...I just saw on the late news where James Taylor is in NC campaigning for Obama...sigh...

Take Care Guys,

FreeK said...

Hi Dustin,

Where did you get all of these names from? I've heard of Ayers, ACORN, and Wright, but who are the others? Do you ever read Obama's own writings? Just wondering.

Unknown said...

Oh Dustin... It pains me to hear your comments.
First the reason why Obama gets "the pass" as you put it (which I think is a ridiculous statement) is because when he speaks he CHOOSES to stick to the topics concerning our nation. McCain, through Palin and through his robo-hate-calls have repeatedly linked Obama to terrorism. That's why you have "bad apples" showing up at the rallys!!!! He is double-tongued. With one breath he calls Obama terrorist-friendly, and with the next he "repudiates" these comments. What a joke! Can't you take a step back, grab some objectivity, and see that?!

I also find it VERY curious that you report hearing all manner of things being shouted at Obama rallys. I've watched many of Obama's rallys and I've NEVER heard any of the things you suggested. (I did hear "kill him" at a McCain/Palin rally - I heard it) I also watch all the major networks: CNN, ABC, CBS and NBC and haven't heard any reports of such comments made by those who attend the Obama rallys.
What I have heard at Obama rally's are "boo"'s and when they begin Obama quickly quiets them and says there is no need for that.

Obama said from the very beginning that Palin's daughter, along with all the other children, was off limits and he has, thus, never spoken of her. He set a precedence for those looking to him for leadership to stick to the issues and not dig in the dirt. McCain has done the opposite. He pauses as his supporters (those bad apples) scream out the most disrespectful and hateful comments I've ever heard in any campaign. He doesn't stop them. The only one I've seen is when the crazy woman said he was an Arab - And what was his response?! "No, Ma'am, he's a decent man"....as if Arabs are not normally known to be decent men...we all know what she was saying - linking him to terrorism but did he address that?! NO!

I'm assuming that Fox news is your source for these "comments". When a news network cuts off someone's mic because the host doesn't agree with them, it is a farce and a joke to then call themselves "fair and balanced". They are the least balanced network I've ever watched - they are a joke. If any other network tried that mess they would be pulled off the air immediately. NBC is an example of that very point. They pulled Olbermann and Matthews off the election coverage because they were inserting their opinions instead of remaining unbiased in their reporting.

As far as associations go, I think it's amazing that Hillary tried this tactic over a year ago and nothing came of it and here we have McCain and Palin trying it again. Dustin, think for a minute. Don't you know that if there was even a shred of evidence that Obama and Ayers had/have a significant relationship outside of that council they both served on, that Fox news would have it as their headline for the next 2 weeks?!!! So why don't they?! Why is it that we only hear "We need to know the full extent of their relationship"? Because it is nothing more than a fear tactic!!! There is NO evidence!!!! Do you know what everyone in your circle (and I mean anyone you've ever had any kind of association with in your entire life) was doing 40 years ago?! It would be a completely different story if Ayers was a part of his campaign or one of his advisers. BUT HE'S NOT!!! This fabricated story of Obama launching his campaign in Ayers living room is nothing more than fabrication! We even have footage of Obama in the HOTEL where he launched his campaign.
How can so many be duped by this poor reporting?! There is no evidence! What are we really looking at here?! Hearsay?!!!

I've heard all the names you listed. McCain has his own list of names, but I bet you've never heard many of them:
Keating Five
La Raza
CWF (Council for World Freedom)
Anthony Bouscaren
Jay Parker
Richard Quinn
George Wallace, Jr.
Leanor Annanburg
Oregan Citizen Alliance
Marilyn Shannon
how about that the majority of his campaign staff are current or former lobbyist.

Why haven't you heard of many of these names?! Because Obama chooses the high road and chooses to deal with the issues that actually matter.

Again, this would be a legitimate conversation if we were actually talking about Obama's advisers or staff on his campaign. But, yes, these "associations" are nothing more than a distraction.

So, again, to sum up: McCain is reaping what he's sown with the message he's spreading and the "bad apples" that are attending his rally's. Obama has set standards to only deal with the issues. Obama has been consistent. McCain has been double-tongued.

If you're going to present "facts" please use a credible source - basically anyone BUT Fox news. They are a complete joke.

Dustin & Daphne Petrey said...


It seems that this conversation has taken a turn towards a place where less than civil disagreement is but a small step away. I regret that.

Truthfully, you and I could go on trading post for post until November 4th. I don't believe the outcome of our conversation here is worth what it would take to reach that outcome. Actually, I think I'm safe in saying an outcome would not be reached.

Also, I don't believe that either of us has the market cornered on objectivity in this election...and that's okay...thank God we still live in a free country. One thing I heard over and over in my Comm. classes was that complete objectivity is impossible. You would agree?

Ultimately it comes down to each of us doing what we are comfortable with when we lay down at night, that is, before God. There are consequences for the decisions we make and the leadership we provide. I honestly believe in my heart that Barack Obama is dangerous and not to be trusted. I feel like I have done the research. I base my opinion on him by looking at the fruit that he has borne. By "fruit," I mean his voting record, his words, his associations and those that he seemingly holds next to him. It's all I've got to go on...and to me, it doesn't add up.

Emily, with all honor and respect, I would question your ability to have all the "facts." Can we agree that we both do not have all the facts? I happen to believe that Fox does a pretty good job of reporting. I also believe that the major news networks slant left. I realize that you're not going to buy that...but that's my belief. Am I free to hold that belief?

Lastly, I wish you the best. Daphne and I will be praying for your new little one as he/she grows and develops. Children truly are a blessing from the Lord...on that, I think we can agree. God bless.



Kim, I have read Obama's books...he and his ghostwriters write very well and say some great and inspirational things. My opinion of Sen. Obama has not changed though. As for those people I mentioned, it would take more time than I have to explain each association with Obama. I would humbly encourage you to research them (I know free time is hard to come by!)...along with those that Emily mentioned.

Anonymous said...

Quite an interesting reply Emily, you are quite passionate, I admire that.
My family and I were at the South Carolina State Fair this weekend and saw some good friends who own several food vending trailers. When they come to Columbia every year they typically hire the same workers to work the trailers and many of them are African Americans. We found out from some of these workers which have a very basic education that the "Obama Campain" had called them and told them that if they didn't register and vote for Barack Obama that they would be fined $500.00. One lady told me that she was so scared that she went that day and registered democrat.
On another note... You and Dustin have quite some disagreements but I think I can simplify. What kind of government do you both want for our great country? McCain and Obama offer greatly different ideas and visions and we can vote for the candidate which we think lines up with our idea of what we want in this country for us and our children and our neighbors. What a great country, and, I am so glad that we worship a God who is above all of this. A God who offers us His love in the form of His Son Jesus, who unites us together.

Unknown said...

Dustin - objectivity is impossible but intellectual integrity is not.

Unknown said...

Drew, you are so precious and gracious. I always just want to hug you after one of your replies. I appreciate the gentle reminder, more than you know.

Dustin, I'm sorry that my tone took such an aggressive turn. Clearly I'm more than a little fired up about these comments being shouted out. I, of course, am thankful that we have the freedom to disagree and believe as we choose. I do, at least, appreciate that you acknowledge that the things being yelled out at McCain rally's are bad.

I have very little tolerance for slander but have been learning for some time to "DO justly, but LOVE mercy". I'm such a natural lover of justice that the Lord has been using all kinds of things to get my attention to what he really desires: for us to love mercy. I'm sorry that I was more concerned about justice in these comments than having mercy.

I love that God is in control and I trust Him, fully. Thank you for your prayers for this little one. I cherish them.

Blessings over you and especially your beautiful family.

May the grace of Christ our Savior and the love of God our Father and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you always.

FreeK said...

I agree with you Dustin that we aren't really going to change anyone's mind by posting here, its just interesting to me to see what everyone is thinking and why. I am not a supporter of McCain or Obama right now, I will vote, I guess I am an undecided voter. I am curious to know why you, Dustin, are afraid of an Obama administration?

Dustin & Daphne Petrey said...

Hey Kim,

I appreciate your question. We've been really busy at work and I've been unable to respond. I just didn't want you to think I had forgotten. I hope to write this evening when I get a free minute. Thanks and take care.
