Friday, April 01, 2011

Grace vs. Works

John 14:15 reads: If you love me, keep my commands. NIV
or in the Message translation: If you love me, show it by doing what I've told you.

My grace-oriented friends would say to put too much of an emphasis on this verse would lead to a works-driven faith. I disagree, respectfully.

This verse has taken on new meaning now that I am a parent. After having a discussion with my newly four year old daughter tonight about this very topic, I had a bit of a revelation....

Elle is precious, precocious, amazing, creative, immature, witty, brilliant.....and all good children are:) For the past few days she has been going through the "let's test our boundaries" phase. That's okay. I'm used to it. It happens every year or so, with each one getting a little farther apart the older they get.

At the end of the night, Elle and I had a talk. I explained to her that no matter what she did or how she chose I would always love her, but her actions over the past few days had shown me a clear picture of what she thought about me.... "The way you show your love for me, is to do what I ask you to do, be quick to obey. Hearing the words I love you are always sweet to hear, but I need to see your love in action." I re-iterate that her actions haven't changed my love for her; I will always love her, but I am hurt by her choices.

She was very remorseful and went to bed in tears after a hug from me.

I was lying in bed just now rethinking that conversation - as many other mom's are doing, as well. ...should I have said it that way? Was I too harsh? Am I giving her a clear picture of God's love for her? Am I setting her up for a works-mentality toward faith?

The words came back to me: "If YOU love ME, you will obey my commands". The verse doesn't read: if you want me to love you, you will obey my commands. He loves us regardless of our choices. He is always hoping we will make the right choices, but it doesn't change his love for us when we don't. Seeing the scripture this way clearly shows that this verse has nothing to do with earning your salvation or God's love.

It has everything to do with revealing where our hearts are!

Do I believe that Eliot loves me even though she has acted in rebellion toward me for days? Of course, she does. But I also know that Elle was not caring what I thought, or wanted, or needed when she chose to lie to me about feeding her dinner to the dog, or going to dress up instead of coming down for dinner like I asked, to name a few. Her choices also revealed that she didn't trust me. She didn't trust that the plans I had for her were better than the plans she had for herself. She cared about what SHE wanted or didn't want. Her decisions had absolutely NOTHING to do with me. ...therein is the problem.

When we have been bought with a price and are no longer our own - dead to ourselves and alive in Him - making decisions without any care for what our Father, Savior, Redeemer would want, or is asking, is to act without love for Him. That doesn't change His love for us, but certainly does reveal where our love is for Him.

This verse, and others like it throughout scripture, especially the NT, do not indicate that our "works" or "deeds" can earn our salvation. Rather they help us understand that our actions reveal our heart.

Prov 4:23 Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.

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