Saturday, April 11, 2009


The beginning of this year was a big one for Reece. You'll see pics of her getting ready for surgery. She had her tonsils and adenoids removed. (difficult recovery but major blessing!!) We also celebrated her 5th birthday. She had a little celebration with her Montessori Country School class, and a tea party at our home. I also threw in pictures of our extended family having prayer time together, and a few random pics of Elle and Rae. Oh, and the one with us wearing shower caps is when we were fighting off lice....not fun.

It's been a BIG year already! I'm looking forward to seeing what the Lord will do with the rest of 2009. Now that I have my cord back I'll try to be more regular with pics - for you Mom!!

One last note: We celebrated Elle's 2nd bday, but incredibly I don't have any pics of the event!! ....heart sinking.... We had a small family celebration for her. She's so precious and full of life. I just love that girl!! Maybe mom has some pics of the evening...


Anna Morrison said...

I have been wanting to see those birthday pictures. The face painting looks awesome. What a fun time you had honoring her. I know she ate it up.

Lice, what? That had to have been frustrating. To be smiling in a picture when dealing with that, man, you are something else, Em.

I love the picture of Elle by herself. That cracks me up. She is such a cutie.

Reece looks like she was such a trooper with the surgery. Nice you have photos to show her later.

Glad you found your cord. Been missing your faces.

jbro said...

Wow, it feels good to see all those pictures! I am thankful the cord reappeared...I was missing seeing all that I was reading about.

I am going to have to steal a few for my laptop so I can see those sweet faces often. I love the one of all the kiddo's on the couch! SO CUTE!!

What was the globe that Roo held in her class?

Unknown said...

The globe she's holding is part of the birthday celebration that Mrs. Rouse does for all the children called "on the day you were born". She steps through each year of their life - the candle on the mat represents the sun and Reece walks around the mat for each year of her life (the earth revolving around the sun). It's SO precious and special. At the end, Reece gets to make a wish and blow out the candle. The smile on her face says it all... so special - just like our little Roo.

Deanna said...

You have 4 beautiful girls! I luv the face painting, so neat!
Can't wait to see more pictures. Hope you are recovering and feeling better each day.