Friday, April 17, 2009

Roo's new haircut and Sutton

I had been promising Reece since January (when I cut Rae's hair) that I would cut her hair shorter. I LOVE the girls with long hair, so I've been stalling.... Until this week, when Reece went to sleep, undetected, with some Easter gum and woke up with it in her hair. I'm sure I could have probably gotten it out with much work, but decided it was a good time to deliver on my promise. I love her new cut, and so does she. It suits her - cute and fun!

The other pictures are of the girls with Sutton. They (We) are all still very smitten with our little Sutton. She is precious.


Laura said...

hey friend! congratulations on little Sutton. she does seem like a doll already--don't you just love newborns? i loved looking at all the pics of the older sisters with her. precious days ahead, i know. i totally hear you about readjusting expectations with motherhood--gender, "spacing" b/t kids, delivery stories. amazing how our hearts as moms gets subconsciously "set" on something and we start to hold tightly to our dream of the future without even realizing it. sounds like you are doing such an amazing and honest job of recognizing HIS dreams for your family as so much better than your own. loved reading how you authentically processed the curve in the road, and how you came to a grateful place of acceptance. a real picture of Christ-following. thanks for modeling that.

enjoy these next few precious days. love, L

Anna Morrison said...

love these pictures. reece's new haircut is super cute.

what a bunch of gorgeous girls you have. they wear joy on their faces.

keep enjoying the newness with sutton. you know just how quickly that passes. savor.

good job, mom. i love you!

Trish Ryan said...

Oh! I just want to hug you all!!! Tell Reece I dig her new do :)

Love you!!!!