Saturday, January 09, 2010

Awake in the middle of the night

...awoken by a talking baby...  that's odd.  ...she doesn't sound upset.  I wonder what's going on with her.  she rarely has trouble sleeping through the night - thank you Babywise!!  ...maybe she'll go back to sleep.

...she's starting to get upset now.  ...something's not right.  I go to see what is the matter.  maybe she's gotten tangled in her blanket.  now that she's rolling over and trying to crawl that happens a lot more frequently...   her face lights up with such joy.  ..."I'm rescued!!  Thanks, mommy!" is all over her face.  She has such a sweet smile.  Her four little teeth, worn like a badge of honor, shining for all the world to see...  she peacefully looks to the door.  staying in her room is NOT a viable option in her mind.

she has a stinky diaper ...ah, that's it.  ...she clearly is not happy about turning back around and re-entering her room, even with the light on...even if she's getting her bum clean ...she wants to be out of this room...  "what's in your room, mommy?  ..or down stairs?!" is coyly expressed through her leaning body in that direction...

she's constipated....poor baby.  she has had such trouble with her little tummy from the beginning of her little life.  I keep hoping she'll outgrow it - teething has helped.  instead of the usual burning diarrhea diapers my other girls always had when they were teething - she's regular.  ...but tonight her little tummy is hurting.  ...juice!  I'll get her some juice!  that should satisfy her on many fronts - going in the direction of her leaning....

...she could care less about the juice, though she does drink some.  ...she's hurting - I can tell.  Lord, please heal whatever is going on in her little digestive system...  give me wisdom to know how to best help her little body function.

...I lay her back down.  ...she's not happy about that, but is tired and goes quickly back to sleep.  it's now 3:40 in the morning.  pitch black outside - probably the darkest the night will get, at this moment.  I'm tired. I go to get in my bed there's another little girl in my spot ...blondie.  we already had a short one in our bed from earlier in the evening.  how is it that two very little girls can take up an entire king sized bed? Gavin loves being crowded and snuggling with his girls....I need my space.  ...I think I'll go sleep with Rae - that never happens anymore.

...never happens anymore...

...and I'm reminded that this season of being up in the middle of the night will pass too quickly.  they are all growing up so fast.  so precious.  so proud to be their mommy.

I hear a whisper ..."enjoy the moment".

one day soon I'll sleep right through the night without a single interruption ..and it will be sweet...and lacking.

1 comment:

Kami said...

This post brought tears to my eyes, Emily. Thanks for reminding me too. It's so easy to get caught up in the moment to not enjoy the moments that will go so quickly. I'm feeling that empty lacking feeling now with no babies to take care of. You summed it up well "sweet but lacking."