Thursday, January 28, 2010

The Rich Young Ruler

When Jesus heard that, he said “Then there’s only one thing left to do. Sell everything you own and give it away to the poor. You will have riches in heaven. Then come, follow me.” This was the last thing the official expected to hear. He was very rich and became terribly sad. He was holding on tight to a lot of things and not about to let them go. Seeing his reaction Jesus said. “Do you have any idea how difficult it is for people who have it all to enter God’s kingdom? I’d say it’s easier to thread a camel through a needle’s eye than get a rich person into God’s kingdom.”
“Then who has any chance at all?” the others asked.
“No chance at all,” Jesus said, “if you think you can pull it off by yourself. Every chance in the world if you trust God to do it.” Luke 18:22-27 (The Message)

Several of our friends are experiencing “Rich young ruler” moments right now. It’s really hard for me to not want to swoop in and “rescue” them from these difficult faith decisions. Why is that?! I still have a warped view of what is BEST.

We certainly have had our RYR moments. We used to call them our Abraham moments... The first was when the Lord restored everything we had run away from in Boston - “fleeing from sin”. We left there broken, we left everything, but in His hands. When He brought us back to New England three years later it was to a nicer home that we owned, a better job, a “better” town - Cambridge (it’s hard for me to say one town is better than the North Shore towns - we love them all. But Cambridge was a lot closer to Boston, and we were living in the city), an awesome place to worship: the Cambridge Vineyard (still the only place that Gavin and I both felt completely at home) and a new family - Rae was two years old and Reece was only a few months. Everything we left was restored, except even better!

The moment that was our most difficult decision of faith was after we had been back in Boston for about a year. The Lord called us to leave everything and move to Ft. Thomas, KY - just outside of Cincinnati, to help plant a community based church. We were leaving the best paying job Gavin had ever had, our first real home, the city we loved, the church we loved, friends that remain a powerful gift from the Lord, the east coast - to go to the offense to the any Midwesterners out there, but I’m just an east coast girl.

We obeyed, though it truly was the most difficult decision we’ve ever made, and moved into a tiny two bedroom apartment with 70’s decor, without a job (Gavin had begun his own business), and with two little girls.

Planting a church is very difficult. You learn more about how NOT to do things than anything least that was our experience. It is a clumsy, fragile and most-of-the-time messy process. Though that season was very difficult, it was also one of the most rewarding.

..interesting that even now I have this urge to paint it pretty - to make sure there is a happy ending.... there wasn’ the time. It was a painful time. We gave everything and put ourselves out there ...and got hurt. We obeyed and did what God called us to do, and it was hard....

The written word is so final and ominous....

There was definitely a lot of sweet, and yummy fruit from that season - I want to highlight that point.

Has the hurt been redeemed? Absolutely! Our dad is the Great Redeemer and He has proven that name to us. Every hurt has been redeemed and we have been blessed abundantly by the community in Ft. Thomas. We have life long friends there, God-parents to our children there, and we continue to partner with them in ministry. They are a great part of our lives and ministry. We cherish them and even have grown to like Cincinnati...:)

Let me quickly tell you the end of that story: We had been in Ft. Thomas for about 18 months when Gavin felt the Lord’s leading to move us here to D.C. This, too, was an extremely difficult decision because we were very much so invested in our community church. I thought Gavin was wrong. We should either move back to Boston, where we still owned a home, or NC where our family was. We were expecting our Eliot at the time. I submitted, however, and we moved here to D.C.

The moment I walked into the house the Lord had completely provided, I felt rescued. I had this wind of peace rush over me. I knew we were home and exactly where we were supposed to be. Big Daddy has since blessed us with an amazing home that allows us to host many families for worship, living life together, etc., an awesome city, friendships that I’ve always hoped to have, and a growing community of believers that are starting to realize there is more....and see it! ...and two more daughters. (it is fitting that we have two Carolina girls and two Virginia girls)

This place I told everyone, very arrogantly, would be a “pit-stop”, has become home and I can testify that the Lord is faithful. We’re going on our fourth year here, and we have experienced His promises to be true.

Luke 18:29 (The Message) No one who has sacrificed home, spouse, brother and sisters, parents, children - whatever - will lose out. It will all come back multiplied many times over in your lifetime. And then the bonus of eternal life!

So why would I want to “rescue” my dearest friends from experiencing God’s richest blessings?! ....because it is hard to watch them get there. Lord, please help me to stay right where you want me - present to walk through this difficult time with them, yet out of the way. I trust you, Lord. I know that you are good. I know what you have for us is so much more amazing than anything we have planned for ourselves. Let your peace that passes all understanding comfort them through these hard decisions and draw them close. I trust you.


Unknown said...

thanks for sharing...we really must talk sometime soon. Our stories sound SO similar. I know that God brought us through the tough stuff because he had fantastic stuff to teach us. It has been harder than I imagined (especially because we were being obedient) but I know that I could not have learned the things that God wanted to share with me without it. And we have gained a glimpse of community that is too sweet for words. :) Oh, if only our south eastern friends could truly experience community. They would never go back!

FreeK said...

Hi Emily,

I was struck by this story of the rich young ruler last week and how Jesus told the disciples that nothing was impossible with God. The very next chapter (not sure the timing of it all) Zacheus ( a rich man) is saved and demonstrates the fruit of his salvation by his giving half of all he had to the poor and repaying people he had swindled. Anyway, I was encouraged that God demonstrated how nothing was impossible with Him so quickly after the disciples were left baffled by the rich young ruler.

That being said, I just read an awesome book "Knowing God" by J.I.Packer, you guys have probably read it before. But the last few chapters were just blowing me away. I understand your desire to keep your friends from going through hard times, but I believe its God's will to strengthen our faith and help us to mature in Christ when we endure suffering. Its not easy, I don't want to ask for it, but suffering is one of those promises in scripture we don't like to claim, but its true for every believer. If we are in Christ we will suffer. People who are without Christ suffer too, but they don't have the hope we have that God will use it for good. I'm thankful for the times of suffering we have endured in our marriage and in ministry. I'm not looking forward to the next time we will have to go through a trial, but because of what we have learned in the past I have confindence that if God allows us to be sifted He will use it for good. Just my two cents.

Matt Parker said...

so glad to start reading of what you are learning again! i've missed that. loved the song you posted here too. it actually gave us some great worship time around the kitchen table with the kids right before lunch today. played it several times and was such a gift to our day. love you guys and am challenged by your walks with Jesus. --Laura