Friday, August 10, 2007

His Little Princess

This is the title of that great devotional mom bought for the girls. Tonight the devotional was about being a blessing to others. The letter from the King talked about helping mom when she's doing something, or helping a little brother or sister when they need help, and looking for other ways to be helpful and bless those around them. The prayer led the girls to ask for forgiveness for the times they didn't help when they should have, and for more opportunities to bless others.

Macy and Abi are spending the night at Marneaux's tonight, with us. They are all four lined up, length-wise in her bed. They each took turns saying their prayers. Macy's was very sweet. I was very impressed with how thoughtful she was and how tender her heart is.

Raegan went next. She always incorporates something from that evenings devotional in her prayer, which I love. She asked for God to please bring her daddy home safely and went ahead and thanked him for doing so. She asked God to forgive her for not helping her sister as much as she could have, "because sometimes I say, 'no Reece, you can't have that', and I say bad things", hand movements and all, "and I'm really sorry for that. Help me to be less selfish about myself":)

Then, she prayed for Macy....which sounds really sweet, but Gavin and I have had to explain on this trip, that Macy makes up a lot of stories, and Rae shouldn't believe everything she says. Like, for instance, she told Raegan that she crawled into her older brother, Hayes', back pack and went with him on his recent trip to Baltimore....:) It took many times of going through the logic of that claim to convince Rae that Macy made up that story and has a beautiful imagination, and if Rae wanted to pretend that was true it was fine with us, and a great thing to do, but just know it wasn't actually true....

So, Rae begins to pray that God will forgive Macy for lying, and that Macy will stop lying, and then says that God doesn't like it when we tell lies, "so, God please help Macy to stop telling lies". ....I felt like the moment suddenly went into slow motion as she kept saying the words "Macy" and "lies" over and over again. ...NOOOOO!!!!!! Mom and I tried really hard to hold back our laughter and smiles, we let the girls finish their prayers. Abi went next and then Reece, both sweet and to the point.

After the prayers were over I quickly tried to nip the whole "Macy lies" thing in the bud by explaining that she wasn't lying ..really...just telling stories, and that she has a great imagination, just like each of the other girls.....hehehe (nervous laughter). To clarify: Rae wasn't mad about the whole "lying" thing, instead she was just very concerned for Macy, and thought she needed forgiving since Macy didn't ask to be forgiven on her own.

It was done with a very sweet heart, it just made me feel an inch tall, because we certainly didn't mean to imply that Macy was a liar. I think she was trying to be a blessing to others......:) The very funny thing is that Macy wasn't at all fazed by it:)!! They all love each other so innocently. It's a very sweet thing. ...I was sure to tell Macy how much I love her, and gave her extra hugs and kisses tonight, though, just in case.:)

(I'm trying to take pictures so I can upload them when we return home.)

1 comment:

Trish Ryan said...

Okay, that story made me giggle so hard, cheddar cheese almost came out of my nose...

God bless little people prayers :)