The Pope visited D.C. yesterday. There was a big parade downtown which I believe 46,000 people attended....I just heard that from Nick. Anyway, this a hilarious conversation our friend, Renee, had with her two children as they prepared to go. Ellie is 5, Patrick is 3,and Flannery, our god-daughter, is two months old TODAY - but she didn't have much to say about the excursion, understandably:)
"My kids' perspective on the Pope's visit to DC 4/16/08
Me: Get your coats.
Ellie (5): Where are we going?
Me: We're going to the Pope's parade.
Patrick (3): The Poke?
Me: The Pope.
Patrick: The Pote.
Me: The Pope, with a P.
Ellie: The Pope has to pee!
Ellie: Mom
Me: Yes.
Ellie: Who is the Pope?
Me: He's the head of the Roman Catholic Church.
Ellie: He doesn't have a body?
Me: Of course he does honey.
Patrick: I'm going to catch some candy!
Me: It's not that type of parade, Buddy. The Pope doesn't throw candy.
Patrick: Because he doesn't have any arms?
Me: He has arms.
Ellie: Why are we going to see the Poke?
Me: Because the Pope is a very holy man.
Patrick: Oh, I'm a holy man!
Me: It'll be fun. The Pope rides in a funny car called the popemobile.
Patrick: The poopmobile!
more giggles
Me: The popemobile has an open seat in the back so we can see the Pope when he passes by.
Patrick: Mom?
Me: Yes
Patrick: The Pote has to ride in a car seat?
Me: Sort of. It's surrounded by a special glass that protects him.
Ellie: That's why he doesn't throw candy, Patrick. Because it would hit the glass!
You can't make this stuff up.
Isn't that just awesome!! Here is the link for Sammy's blog, where he has a picture of the popemobile passing by.
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