Wednesday, July 16, 2008

National Security

Obama gave a speech yesterday about his strategy for National security. It was inspiring. The video and transcript of the speech are included in the link above. Because it was about 30min. long, I've decided to post a commercial regarding a small aspect of his National security vision instead.
This is one of the biggest differentiators between Obama and McCain. It's so important that we be educated on what exactly they each are proposing.

1 comment:

FreeK said...

Hi Emily,

I really think that if people took the time to read about his policies he makes a lot of sense on most of the issues that are out there. I am still not a supporter because of his extreme stance on abortion, I'm hoping debates between him and McCain will shed more light on why he has made some of the choices he has made on that issue. He is so smart and has a lot of great ideas I would not be dissapointed to see him elected, I'm just not sure I can vote for him yet. Thanks for keeping us posted. By the way have you read "The Audacity of Hope" yet?