Sunday, November 23, 2008

Inconclusive Results

Hi sweet friends,

I did go to the doctor this past Friday for my mid-term ultrasound, but unfortunately the results were inconclusive. I'm not too upset about this. I think it will be nice to be surprised. I'm pretty positive we're having a girl. So here's the name we're thinking of....I know this is a risky move....but I'm really excited about the name and want to share it: Sutton Vian.

Sutton means "from the south town" and Vian means "full of life".

Our back up boy name is still up in the air. I love Elijah (Eli), and Judah (Jude); Finnegan (Fin) has been in the running for years. Gavin loves Abraham (Abe)... We can't come to any agreement on this one.

I'd love to hear your thoughts, but absolutely NO pressure. I know you love us despite the odd names we choose for our children.

much love,


FreeK said...

We could never find out about Madison either, I thought she was a boy, and was very surprised that she wasn't. She's the only one that we weren't clear about. Anyway, I did cry when I found out that Benjamin was a boy (I'm still debating if I will ever tell him this, I had really wanted another girl, but I'm so thankful that God blessed us with him, I would have it no other way). I love the southern reference in this new girls name. I'm not sure why, but living in the north creates this drive in me not to forget my southern heritage, I'm sensing you may have that too. Anyway, I know whether its a girl or a boy she or he will be such an added blessing to your family. Love you!

Trish Ryan said...

What if some of us love you BECAUSE of the names you give your children??? :)

(okay, maybe there's more to our admiration than that...)

Here's to God's perfect addition to your family. You'll know his/her name when you meet them.

Anna Morrison said...

I like Sutton. Very nice and meaningful. Vian is unique and classy. I like it that you don't want to name your kids common names.

I like all your guy names as well. Judah would have to be my favorite out of those. I do like them all. They sound strong.

Love you.

kim said...

I LOVE that girl's name! Where did you discover it? And I would vote for Finnegan or Abraham. Both are uncommon and very strong.

Scott said...

Other ideas:

Lincoln (A fun match with Raegan and a nod to a good southern town. Who wouldn't love a kid named Lincoln Long?)

Souletta (I made this one up, but I think it will work. I know you like abbreviations and nicknames, so you can call her Soul. Soul Long has a nice ring to it.)





I'll work on some more. This is fun. And I haven't even considered middle names yet!

Unknown said...

hahaha...I was thinking about Emery for a while but Jen and I decided it sounded too much like an Asian woman trying to say "Emily"...:)

Kim - I have to give cred to Jenny for finding the name Sutton on Though Gavin and I knew a girl years ago named Sutton who was the epitome of Southern Belle-ness - so it is an easy fit for us.

I'm so glad you like it.:)

Julie said...

I love Abe for a boy. Ed and I have talked about Abraham and calling him Abe. Sutton is cool name. And if it makes you feel any better, we KNOW what we are having and still can't make a decision. We at least have it narrowed down to 2!