Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Countdown Presents

So I decided a few days ago that I needed to blog about "Countdown Presents" and then my friend, Laura, asked about it yesterday, so I am compelled:)

Countdown Presents are a wonderful tradition in our home, started by our matriarch, Mom Stalvey (my mom's mother). I don't know how she came up with this fun tradition, but she told me this week that we, the grandchildren, are the ones that actually came up with the name "Countdown Presents". My mom has continued the tradition with my children, and my brother's children.

What is it? It is a gift for each of the twelve days preceding Christmas day. It's so much fun! Mom Stalvey continued the Countdown presents through our sixteenth birthday. I'm assuming Mom will do the same. The girls love it!! They look forward with great expectation every morning to see what they will open. It's never anything big, but always something fun or meaningful. The girls are never disappointed.

I don't feel like I'm giving this sweet tradition due credit. I can't wait to continue on this tradition for my grandchildren!


Becky said...

Your mom loves doing this! She gets so excited telling people about it every year! She is so thoughtful in her presents and I know she wishes she was there every morning to see the girls hurry down the stairs to open them!

Laura said...

what a fun idea! thanks for expanding on it. i love hearing about family traditions and thinking about which ones we are going to start with ours. sounds like an awesome idea. :)