Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Yes, We Can!

I realize this is belated, but it goes without saying that we are thrilled to have Barack Obama as the Democratic nominee!

Yes, we can. Yes, we can. Yes, we can. ...to God be the glory!!


Deanna said...

Hey Em.

I like visiting your blog from time to time. Can I just say you are about the only "Chistian" I know that supports Obama? Do you have any advice on the e-mails that I have been getting from fellow Christians stating that Obama is the anti-Christ and crazy stuff like he is muslim and the muslim community will jump for joy when he is elected? I think maybe it is the rural area I live in, but no one I know is voting for Obama but me and my dad.
Thanks for sharing your blog, its inspiring..

Anna Morrison said...

Hip Hip Hooray!! Man, I am supper excited about Obama being the nominee.

Unknown said...

I already emailed Deanna directly, but just in case anyone else is wondering the same thing, check out my earlier blog entries, especially from Feb. The one entitled "Why I am voting for Obama" began a series of great discussions from several of my friends from college.