Monday, February 11, 2008

Why I am Voting for Obama

I recently read a blog that stated: "In my opinion, I do not see how anyone striving to live their life under the authority of biblical principles could vote for Mr. Obama."

Needless to say, I was taken aback by this statement, mainly because I like the person that wrote these words. (this doesn't make me think less of her, just surprised to be reminded this is how so many think) I normally would dismiss this kind of statement, but because I like this person I decided to answer.

Let me be clear about where I stand: I voted for G.W. Bush in both elections because I thought he was a better choice than Gore or Kerry. I still like him, though I think we can all agree, he's made some pretty big mistakes, including the WAY he went into Iraq and his recent disregard to the Constitution. I am Pro-Life, regarding abortion, as well as, opposing the death penalty. ...and yet, I will be voting for Obama because I believe he is the best choice for our country and our future.

The author of the statement above also stated that when Democratic supporters of Obama were asked why they would vote for Obama, they gave no other reason than he was a great speaker. If I had to guess, I would say that report was given on a Fox news channel.... Well, there really are too many to list in this forum, but here are my top reasons for voting for Obama:

1. He brings unity rather than divisiveness - no other candidate can touch this. He has an amazing ability to unify those around him - the many Republican leaders joining his campaign, as a small example.

2. His policy for college loans (4k per year) in exchange for social service after graduation in areas like the peace corps, volunteering in homeless shelters, etc. This is much like our current nursing school programs, and teaching scholarships (4 yrs of school for 4 yrs of service - loosely speaking). This has unprecedented ramifications that excite me more than anything I've heard in while. ..more are able to have higher education, frees young 20's from the overwhelming debt of school loans, gives life experience to upcoming generations that allow them to understand the world is bigger than they realized, it does not revolve around them, and bestows a level of humility and care for those around them that can not be taught in a class name a few.

3. His health care policy is NOT mandatory, rather he seeks to present an affordable health care option for ALL Americans (Universal) by bringing Congress together and not bowing to the powerful lobbyists - for the first time!!! (a completely different approach than Hillary is suggesting and obviously different than anything the Republican party suggests because they are all heavily funded by lobbyists)

4. He cares deeply about the environment. His vision for creating new jobs in the GREEN industry while freeing us from dependence on oil is revolutionary. I love his ideas in this area - you can find out more on his website:

5. He favors reversing tax cuts for the richest 1%, while making tax cuts for the middle class, those who truly need it, more meaningful and permanent.

6. He understands the real problem of "two Americas" John Edwards has spoken about for years (the enormous gap between wealth and poverty), and has experienced this reality giving him the desire and a vision to change the future for our children.

7. He understands that one man, one position, even the highest position in the country, can not change this world alone. But if one man can inspire a nation, this world can change on a dime. He has already inspired the people of America so much that we've had record numbers turn out to the primary polls. It's not because he's black - we've had black officials run for the presidency for years. Obama is an inspiration and he realizes the power of an inspired people, and what can be accomplished.

8. He does not offer "false hope". He offers a hope that WE can make this world a better place. He also brings hope to people all over the world and will make a significant difference in repairing our reputation around the world and our foreign policy.

9. He does not suggest the government do all the work while people sit back and take advantage of governmental aid (as suggested by Fox news reporters and the close-minded right wing), rather he demands that we all stand up, rise up, move to make a difference, to change this world, to be active in whatever it is we can be active in for a better tomorrow, while we help those who need it along the way.

10. Obama is a Christian who has attended, and been active in, the same church for over 20 years. He shares the values I believe are consistent with biblical principals and yet understands that we are a nation full of diverse cultures and beliefs that must be free to express those cultures and beliefs as long as they do not violate any other persons rights.

I think the fundamental question is: Do we live in a Christian nation and everyone else here is just visiting? or Are we a Christin people living in a diverse nation full of different cultures and beliefs? If the later is true, which I believe it is, than we must elect officials that best give us the freedoms we need to live out our Christian beliefs. Jesus came to set us free from the law, not oppress us.

The idea that we need to legislate moral issues is the opposite of what Christ came to do. Legislation and Politics have not effected the decline in abortions (lowest since 1974), God's love through His people have. Legislation and Politics will not change a person's sexual preference, but God's love through His people may make a difference. The Republicans offer oppression and a more individualistic politic, while Obama offers equal rights for ALL Americans (protecting us as Christians and our practices included), support for those in need, encourages all people to work together and be united, and offers hope to many who have lost hope that they can make any difference, lost the hope to dream for greater things, lost the hope for a better world.

We must have lawmakers that understand the importance of us all being created equal. Lawmakers that will ensure the same freedoms to EVERY American, for our own good, as Christians. We must have lawmakers that understand that we all have the right to the pursuit of happiness, even for those we fundamentally disagree with. If we revoke these rights to anyone in America, we threaten our own freedoms. Christianity is not a legislation and should never be. Politics and Legislations must serve the purpose of keeping everyone's rights in tact, so that we as Christians have the right to build the kingdom of God without restraint.

I'm proud to support Obama not only with my vote, but with my voice, finances and time. I hope you'll take a second, objective look at Obama if you don't already support him and his campaign. I don't think you'll be disappointed. He's much more than a charming smile and inspirational speaker...those are just icing on the cake:)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Emily,

I read with great interest your post. Thanks for posting it as it raises many great points. I do have a couple of questions I would like to present for your thoughts.

1. How can I support a man whos fundamental beliefs and convictions on abortion and homosexuality go against what the Holy Scriptures teach?

2. How can Senator Obama's beliefs on these issues not effect his judgment not only on executive legislation but also on the Supreme Court Justices he would appoint?

3. And finally if morality cannot be legislated what is the defining standard for law in this country on a civil level?

Once again Emily thanks for your post. You have obviously spent much time considering Obama and that is very refreshing in todays world of people voting a straight party ticket.

My best to you all.
