Friday, June 06, 2008

Peace and Rest

I've been thinking about this blog for several days. There are several reasons to write about this topic, for me, and last night added one more.

First I began thinking about this because all of my friends here in NoVa describe me as laid back and easy going. I'm pretty sure that's a first!!! I've always been known to be a bit edgy, somewhat confrontational - loving, loyal, and very considerate to my friends - but always quick to throw myself into a movement I believe in, and definitely willing to cause ripples. I really don't think ANYONE in my past would describe me as laid back and easy going.

When I first began hearing this description of me I was shocked...but mostly flattered! I am still very much the "Emily" I described above, but I realized that I really LOVE being known as a person of peace....though I'm still not sure how accurate a description it is.

Either my friends have a skewed perspective on easy-going and laid back, or the Lord is actually changing me to have a more peaceful approach to life, despite my activist tendencies!! I really hope it is the latter.

Secondly, the words "peace and rest" have been on my lips a lot over the past few years. These are the words I pray over Eliot as I lay her in her crib at night, and Raegan and Reece as I tuck them in: That the Lord would bless them with a peaceful, restful sleep.

Whenever we have company, these are the words I pray for them while they are in our home: That their hearts would be filled with peace and rest.

I've come to relish my meditation play list because of the peace and rest I feel when I listen to it. (Don't think I don't still have hip-hop and all kind of crazy stuff playing, too.....I don't see that ever changing. I still like to get my groove know....:))

Thirdly, I think this may be a ministry the Lord is giving our family - to be a place of peace and rest for those who need it. ...we'll see.

Lastly, I am greatly disturbed when that peace and rest is interrupted or disturbed as it was last night. Eliot had a really awful night last night. Something was scaring her so terribly that she ended up crawling out/falling out of her crib. This was after hours of praying through her room, trying to work with her through the fear, moving the night light to a different part of the room, trying to have her sleep with us (she has never slept with us...not because we didn't want her to she has just never wanted to, much to Gavin's great disappointment - last night was no different). I bound the spirit of fear and cast it out of our house over and over, asking the Holy Spirit to replace it with peace and rest and lots of love. Finally, around 4am I was able to rock her to sleep (a first) and lay her down in her bed. I stayed for a little while to be sure she would remain asleep. was a weird and painful night. I would appreciate any prayer for wisdom and insight - eyes to see what was scaring her so much, and prayer for peace, rest and comfort over little Elle.

I pray peace and rest over you, dear friends.
much love,


Trish Ryan said...

Your house is totally a place of peace and rest...and yes, we thought that even before Gavin served us those mandatory mojitos!

Bless you guys to maintain that in times when it's under siege. It's your ministry, which means there will be attacks against it. You'll win though. I've read the end of the book, so I know how things turn out :)

Love you!

Keri said...

Actually Em, I would also describe you as laid back and easy going. And I lived across the hall from you when you lived in a cramped apartment. Every time I saw you, you would always greet me with a smile and a warm hello.

I'm excited to see you all next month!

Melanie said...

That's the same thing I pray for Reid as I put him to bed. I've been praying peace and rest for Eliot and your family at his bedtime too. Hope your nights have been better!