Saturday, March 15, 2008

Obama/Wright Controversy

My dear friend, Kim, asked me what my opinions were on the recent developments with Obama's former pastor Jeremiah Wright. I am again, really impressed by how Obama is handling this. Here are his comments on the subject. The first is a speech calling for a post-racial era, the second is an interview he had with Keith Olbermann on MSNBC. (He also talks about Tony Rezko in this interview.)

There are several things I really appreciate about his response:
1. It is a biblical approach to "condemn the sin, not the sinner" and Obama is continuing to make Christ-like decisions on how he handles these "controversies".
2. I appreciate that he recognizes the generational struggles Mr. Wright encountered, therefore still showing bitterness; he points out that our generation has benefited from those struggles; finally he makes the point that we are seeking a post-racial era, as he talks about in his speech.
3. I also appreciate his love for this pastor, despite these political blunders. I have family members, whom I love and respect a great deal. However, over the course of time I have stumbled upon conversations with these beloved family members that have revealed drastically different perspectives on life. I understand Obama's conflict. I do believe, however, that he is handling this quickly and appropriately, re-emphasizing his desire to unify our ONE America.
4. He has continually exhibited grace and understanding...even for Hillary.
.....just my opinion, I hope it helps:)


FreeK said...

Thanks Emily, I appreciate your insight and the videos. Both have been very helpful.

Dustin Petrey said...

Hi Emily,

First of all, let me say how happy I am for your Raegan! I cannot wait for my own daughter to experience Christ's redemptive work in her own life. Praise God for this miracle!

Also, I felt I must comment on your points about Obama's situation with his Pastor.

I understand what you are saying about having experiences with some of your family. I too have certain family members whom I disagree with. However, I believe that example and what we have seen with Sen. Obama and Mr. Wright are entirely different situations.

First, Obama has been a member of Wright's church for 20 years. Obama states that he, in 20 years of sitting under Mr. Wright's preaching, never actually heard any of the taped rants. Even if this were possible, which I don't think it is, why at least doesn't Sen. Obama confront Mr. Wright about his clearly racist attitudes and sermons. How could Sen. Obama let this kind of talk and rhetoric go on? This is out of character for someone who calls for change and a post-racial society. Could he have not at least expressed his dislike to Mr. Wright? I mean the man says we're living in the U.S. K.K.K.A. He said that whites basically invented AIDS to kill off African Americans. How could Obama stand by and do nothing? How could he stand by and let his self-admitted spiritual mentor and pastor say these awful things? I'd like to believe that were I in a similar situation, I would have the courage to at least express my concern to my pastor.

Lastly, was it not Obama's campaign that attacked Geraldine Ferraro for her comments. Weren't they the ones who cried racism when she commented on him being where he was because he was black?

My point is, I'm not so sure that Obama is as different as he says. I certainly respect your enthusiasm for him and his ideals--I just believe there is more to him than we realize yet, and I'm not sure it is good.

Thanks for your posts. I'm glad you see politics as something to discuss openly and honestly. You guys take care!

Dustin Petrey