Monday, March 17, 2008

Response to Dustin

Hi Dustin,

It's great to hear from you. I really have enjoyed reading your blog and getting to know your family. We're excited for the arrival of little LeeAnne! Thanks for your warm wishes regarding Raegan. We are very excited for this new chapter in her life! ...she's very excited, too. It is a wonderful blessing.

Regarding your comments about my last post, I want to begin by thanking you for responding. I never have accepted the thought of religion and politics being something you shouldn't talk about. I LOVE talking about things that excite and inspire me. Nothing inspires me like the faith we share in our Lord Jesus Christ, and recently even politics has inspired me! I've never been one to hide my feelings, anyway...if you remember:)

It's probably pretty clear from the onset that I disagree with your points about Obama. Here's why:

1. Rev. Wright has been preaching for over 30+ years. Who ever dug these videos up could only come up with THREE controversial videos. Don't you agree that if there were any more out there we would know about it! (certainly more may surface, but for now we have three) It is very feasible that Obama is telling the truth about not hearing these kinds of sermons from the man he considers like an Uncle - the man who led him to Jesus, married he and his wife, baptized his two little girls, and who talks with him about faith and family in his own home. This man is much more like a family member than just a pastor.

The Sept. 11th speech was given on the following Sunday. Anyone in politics was either in D.C. or NY dealing with the tragic aftermath. The sermon that talked about the injustices of our country and included the words "God d*** America" took place in 2003, and the last one, that talked about Hillary never experiencing racism, was from December of this past year. Three sermons, over thirty years of preaching, teaching in seminaries, and being a public figure in Chicago - all "they" can come up with are three excerpts from three sermons.

(a little side note: we evangelicals quickly forget, I think, how many of our leaders and pastors throughout the years have blamed 9/11 and AIDS on homosexuality and abortion, as a punishment on our nation. Jerry Falwell, for one, was extremely outspoken - saying almost exactly the same message as Rev. Wright. Wright uses racism instead of homosexuality and abortion. I, having been raised in the Southern Baptist denomination, heard similar messages throughout my childhood. These are not foreign concepts.)

2. Barack Obama HAS confronted Rev. Wright about his divisive words and statements. When he found out about these sermons a year ago he told his pastor then, that he disapproved of his statements. Furthermore, he distanced his campaign from his pastor at that point. Rev. Wright was uninvited to the dinner Obama hosted to announce his running for office. I would say that he not only "expressed his dislike to Wright", but he even took action that "fleshed out" his disapproval of Rev. Wright's words.

3. I don't call removing someone from your campaign "stand(ing) by and do(ing) nothing". He has denounced and rejected the statements given by Rev. Wright. He has removed him from his campaign. What else should he do? Surely you aren't suggesting that he shun the man?! Obama has handled this in a very Christ-like way. He obviously loves and respects this man. I think it is also obvious that he is really disappointed in this man, who has been a spiritual mentor to him. I say "spiritual" for a reason. Rev. Wright is NOT a politician and is NOT a political adviser. He was on Obama's campaign as a spiritual adviser - one of many, I might add.

Obama began his run on the notion that we can be united as ONE America: not a black America, white America, Latino America, Asian America...One united America. He has made his differences from Rev. Wright's statements starkly clear from the very beginning of this campaign (and since he came on the political scene in 2002). He has been consistent. He has not wavered from this message or vision. ...would you want to be held accountable for some of the things pastor Alan said during our time at Mt. Vernon?! Did you agree with everything he said? We still love pastor Alan and still have great respect for him, but we disagree with him on quite a few issues.

McCain is very lucky that the media hasn't broadcast some of Hagee and Parsley's sermons!!! Do you want to compare these two with the Rev. Wright? Each come with their own set of baggage and divisive messages, but are not defined by them.

Wright fought, probably lost loved ones, probably went to jail, for the rights our African American brothers and sisters enjoy today. I understand his bitterness and frustration toward America, and his fighting spirit. However, Obama recognizes that the America Wright grew up in and struggled through, is NOT the America we live in today, nor is it the one we have grown up in. He understands that the next chapter is UNITY. He also understands that he's been given a gift to bring that unity to fruition.

Hagee and Parsley's statements offend me even more than the comments Wright made! One is calling the catholic church a whore, while the other says that we are a Christian nation that was founded to bring "death" to all other religions - namely Islam.... ah, yes...and we are to be known by our love.....mmm.

All three men have perspectives that are divisive in nature. Does that make them evil? Of course not.

Does that message define who they are as men of faith? I don't think so.

Is that all they talk about on Sunday mornings? Of course not.

The difference is that McCain stood on stage with those guys and accepted their support, thus aligning himself with their divisive message....while Obama has sought to distance his campaign from Rev. Wright and has never appeared at a political function with him.

That does make Obama different.

Clinton and the republican party are looking for anything they can get their hands on (as they should) and they have come up with very little, and nothing that will stick.

Obama is very different. He has shown grace throughout this campaign when he could have easily made a HUGE stink. He continues to conduct himself in a Christ-like way. Think about all he has encountered in this primary race. Hillary has fought dirty the entire time.

Do you hear Obama highlighting her MANY scandalous relationships; highlighting the fact that her top contributor for her campaign is actually sitting in jail right now as I type this and they have kept his money; the fact that she has taken more money from lobbyist then all the republican candidates combined? He didn't go after her crazy mood swings after her dramatic episodes just before OH and TX - she gave every man in America fodder after that show... And this recent Geraldine Ferraro thing....he in NO way attacked her, as you said. I've seen all the interviews. When pressed he talked about his admiration for Mrs. Ferraro and her trail-blazing bravery, etc. Out of all the interviews I saw regarding this subject (which she played out day after day for over a week) there was only one where he said her comments were ridiculous.

The media jumped on her comments and called them racist...because they WERE! The media asked the Obama campaign what they thought. The media called out Hillary for not squelching these comments in a more appropriate time frame - say...immediately! The media is noting her patterns to discreetly play on fear of religion, race, etc.

Obama's response to the divisive remarks from his pastor were to immediately denounce and reject them, and furthermore re-emphasize his vision for a united America; not a black America working with a white America working with a Latino America... but One united America! No one else in this race has this same vision.

So, I'll end on one comment that I do agree with you on: "Obama is much more than we realize".

I would love to know your thoughts, and anyone else. I hope I haven't come off too abrasive. I am still working on learning how to communicate my passion without being so rough around the edges:)

Much love to you all, my dear brothers and sisters.

These are highlights of the speech he gave in 2004 at the DNC. It's only 4min. long. It is worth watching. It is a reminder that he IS different. His vision for our country IS different. He understands the heart of Christ and inspires multitudes to have that same heart. His vision has consistently been about unity and continues to be about unity. Enjoy:)


Dustin Petrey said...

Hi Emily,

Your post was very interesting. I'm glad to see I made the headlines!

At any rate, I'll be brief. It's pretty clear I'm not going to persuade you away from Obama nor shall I try. My concern is that Obama is leading a double life...something that is very dangerous, especially when he is running for the highest office in the free world. Let me explain.

While talking about bringing us together and decrying "divisive" actions, Sen. Obama has voluntarily placed himself, his wife, and his children under the teaching and leadership of a man who by his words and actions, has made it very clear where he stands in regards to this great nation that God has blessed through the generations.

Would you agree with me that you can tell a lot about the character of a person by the company he or she keeps?

I understand your argument about the media using only three sermons out of hundreds, maybe thousands delivered by Rev. Wright. I would ask you though, how can exactly one take the phrase "God d**n America" out of context. How can this possibly mean anything other than what it says?

Emily, were Matthew or Pastor Blume to use a comment like that in the pulpit, it is untold the reaction they would receive. How could I idly sit by and subject my family to that rhetoric? The fact that these instances of Rev. Wright were isolated is inconsequential. These things were said, by Rev. Wright, and I believe that although Obama wasn't there, he must have known about them. He was under the advisement and council of Rev. Wright for 20 years. He made a donation of more than $20,000 to that church and he never had a clue as to what kind of man Rev. Wright was/is? I just cannot buy that.

Additionally, in your post, you assume that I support John McCain. I guess that just because I have voiced my opposition against Sen. Obama, you were led to this conclusion. I do not support John McCain necessarily, but do admit that he would make an infinitely more experienced and qulaified President than Obama.

The argument about Hagee and Parsley doesn't hold water either. John McCain has clearly stated that he does not agree with the comments that these men made concerning the Catholic Church, world religions, etc.--nor do I. However, neither of these men are the "uncle" figures to Mccain that you so rightly described Wright is in relation to Obama.

I listened to the speech today and was impressed by Obama's ability to communicate. I am impressed every time I hear him. However, in my opinion what we're seeing is not a godly example as you have said, but rather a revealing look at something very interesting. There is no question that Obama has moved quickly to separate himself from Wright's rants. He did the right thing to remove him from his campaign roster. But, I'm afraid it is too late. I'm afraid that Wright has shown America the kind of company Obama keeps, the kind of men Obama holds close, and the kinds of attitudes and beliefs Obama finds acceptable--throughout his life, not just in a carefully formed, election year persona.

You're known by the company you keep. It's just hard to get away from that statement.

Once again, thanks for your candor. I truly hope that I have not come across as forceful or mean-spirited. God bless you guys!

Unknown said...

Oh Dustin, Dustin, Dustin!!!!!! What am I going to do with you?!! :)

No one is saying Wright's words were taken out of context. They are what they are - inappropriate, divisive, etc. No one is defending his words, either. They have been denounced and rejected. However, to assume these statements define Wright lacks understanding and grace. You, nor I, know this man personally.

Also, I wasn't assuming that you support McCain (I know you would like to support Huckabee from previous blog entries). I'm simply pointing out the differences between himself, McCain and Hillary. ...there are many.

You are known by the company you keep, it's absolutely true. Obama has MANY in his "company" that span in diversity. This vision of unity, is not a persona he has careful crafted over the past year. His life, for the past 25 years has been defined by getting jobs for the jobless, helping the neediest in the most desperate parts of the city of Chicago, getting health care for those who are sick, bringing unity throughout his life, bringing people together and inspiring those around him to work together. I dare say, neither one of us can come close to touching his "persona"/character/sacrifice. He is KNOWN by his love, and has been for years.

I am also keeping this brief, because I don't see much fruit coming from these exchanges, unfortunately. You are obviously bent on disliking Obama, and I have been moved and inspired by him. Thus, we are at an impasse. But I am always open to talking about politics any time!! I really do love it.

Thanks for your thoughts, Dustin.
One last note: I'm posting a speech Obama gave today addressing race in America and building a more perfect union. Judge him by HIS fruit, not the fruit of those around him. That's what we're told to do in scripture...judge HIS fruit.

Dustin Petrey said...

Impasse...I guess so. But I appreciate the spirited exchange. God bless you guys and your little ladies.

Unknown said...

Thanks, Dustin! You're great. Gavin and I have always enjoyed you and your family - nothing has changed there. Give them all our blessings - we continue to pray for safety and protection over Daphne and little LeeAnne.

much love,