Thursday, March 13, 2008

Raegan's Decision

I am very happy and blessed to tell you that Raegan decided to pray and ask Jesus to be her Lord and Savior on Tuesday, March 11th.

background: We've been having theology 101 with Rae for years now. ..not by our prodding, though talking about our faith is a daily part of our lives, around the dinner table, in our evening devotions, as the girls hear us pray throughout the day, etc. Raegan has been the source of these theology lessons. It is usually in the car when Rae will ask me a doozie of a question. She never ceases to amaze me! I have been challenged on many occasions, but praise the Lord for the training He has brought into my life throughout the years to be able to answer her. She truly is her father's daughter.

Raegan came into this world asking questions (just like her daddy). I answer every one with pleasure and continue to ask for wisdom on how to do that. I told Gavin a few weeks ago that I thought it may be time to tell her about the "sinner's prayer". We both believe in covenant theology, meaning that there is a certain amount of salvation that comes to our children by being raised under our faith. We also believe that it is a healthy aspect of our journey of faith to have moment when you take responsibility for your faith - make a personal decision.

Tuesday, on the heels of several theology 101 sessions that day, Raegan came to me and said that she wanted a real Bible. So I told her we would go to B&N later that day and get her one. Gavin and Nick were traveling with business, so I thought it would be a fun outing. We LOVE Barnes & Noble!

When we got there Rae picked out a burgundy colored, Message version (they had slim pickings on their NIV's), and she was very excited and proud. Then it was Reece's turn to pick out a few books. She wanted a real Bible, too. I told her she could have one when she turned six, which satisfied the moment. As Reece began looking through the candy store of books, Rae found a few "I can read" Bible stories and asked if she could study about Jesus by getting a few. Of course, I thought that was a great idea and she picked out a few. We had a great time at B&N. Even Eliot got a few new books (she LOVES books already).

On our way home, I felt more and more led to tell Rae about making a decision of faith. Later that night, as I was putting the girls to bed, I told them I wanted to talk to them about something. The girls are very aware of the gospel message because of our weekly observance of Sabbath (family webpage and I talked about it here). We go through the redemptive story of our faith every Saturday and Sunday in a fun, physical, and tactile way. So as I asked the girls a series of questions about our faith: Who created the world? (God) Who created us? (God) Why do we need Jesus? (God is Holy and perfect and we're not) Why did Jesus have to die? (we all make bad choices; Jesus never made a bad choice) Did Jesus stay dead? (No, He rose again), etc., they answered them all with great understanding.

I then told Raegan and Reece that when mommy and daddy were younger, we both prayed a prayer that said that we wanted Jesus to be our King, Lord and Savior; that we wanted to follow after him from that day on. That is what made us Christians. Raegan didn't skip a beat, "Does that mean we're not Christians, mommy?"
" we go", I thought. "Lord give me wisdom".

"Well, sweetheart, because you are a part of our family - it's like mommy and daddy have an umbrella of faith, and you and your sisters are safe under that umbrella. But one day, there will come a time when you will want to hold your own umbrella of faith, and Jesus will write your name in His book of life, along with mommy and daddy's." I also told them about being baptized and how that tells everyone that you have decided to follow Jesus, and that He is your King.

"Mommy, I want to do that right now. I want my own umbrella and have my name in His book". After asking her if she was sure, and emphasizing what a big commitment that was, and meant, we knelt down beside the bed together and prayed:
Dear Jesus, I know I have made bad choices.
I know that you are Holy.
You died for me because of my bad choices.
Please forgive me.
I want to follow you, Jesus.
So from this day on, I am yours.

She asked when she could get baptized and tell everyone about her decision (she already tells the kids at school that Jesus loves them). I have to check into the baptizing process at RBC, and decide how we want to proceed. Reece wanted to pray this prayer, too, (and we did) but she's not ready to be baptized, so I told her she could tell us whenever she was ready.

We called daddy first, then grandparents and my precious grandmother (their great grandmother), as well. It was an exciting night. Though I don't believe a lot of six year olds are ready to make this kind of serious commitment, I was at five, Gavin was at six, and Raegan certainly is, also. I never looked back from that decision, greatly due to the amazing women of faith the Lord placed in my life, from my grandmother, to my mother, who continue to bless me. Gavin and I will make sure Rae continues to grow in her faith, answering the tough questions and encouraging her to ask more.

Thanks for letting me share this sweet news. I hope it has encouraged you today, as it encourages me.


Anna Morrison said...

I love reading your stories. Your life is a beautiful story.
I celebrate with you and Raegan! What a special moment shared. I enjoy how candid and yet detailed you are with your girls. The Lord has used you and Gavin both to sharpen this little one's thoughts. I will be thinking of Raegan as she embraces this acceptance.
I love you, Em. Thanks for sharing this.

Tony said...

Great news!

Melanie said...

How exciting! Praise the Lord for how He's been at work in the hearts of your girls. It's so amazing to see our covenant children growing in grace & faith. May Christ continue to nurture her heart!

FreeK said...

Praise God! We are rejoicing with you that Raegan's name is written in the Book of Life. I love you and thank God that He has blessed you so abundantly!

jbro said...

She continues to bring a breath of fresh air into my life. Such pride wells up inside me with thoughts of her and knowing those wonderful questions she asks intimately. Thanks for sharing. I cannot wait to be there to celebrate with her. Can the baptism wait about 45 days when Aunt Jenny gets back? If not, then it is okay. Send her my love and big big kisses. I love you all.

Julie said...

What an incredible feeling it must be when your child recognizes and accepts their need for the Lord. Though you have so much more to teach her, you have done the most important job God had for you regarding led her to Him...and she followed!