Sunday, July 15, 2007

Camping Trip was a Success!!

I am very happy to report that the camping trip was a huge success!!! There were a few changes in the plan, the main one being that it was in our back yard instead of with the group from Reston Bible. It worked out beautifully.

Once Gavin set up the tent in the back, even he was excited!

The first night, a thunder storm came up quickly. The rain poured so heavily, and the thunder and lightning were right on top of us. I was so sure they would be coming in that I even went downstairs and turned the lights on, over the back deck, for them. I sat by the window and watched the tent, anticipating three objects running through the back yard shielding themselves from the rain. I prayed for their safety, ...and smiled as I continued to watch and see nothing but a small light, from the lantern, in the corner of the tent. They stayed all night!!!

They came in the next morning so proud of themselves...ALL of them! I was very proud of them, also. I couldn't believe how great they all did! (of course, Gavin needed to sleep until late into the morning in our bed to make up from being wakened all through the night)

I thought they may be a little hesitant to go back out the next night, but they couldn't wait to get back out there. They played cards: Old Maid, Crazy Eights and a Dora Matching game. Gavin told stories and read books. The girls had their daddy all to themselves and they could not have been happier!!



Trish Ryan said...

Omigosh, the cuteness factor is so high in this story, I won't need caffeine for the rest of the day! Yay Gavin and girls for being so brave, and yay you for having vision for this and "calling those things that are not (yet) as though they are"!

Now that you have the tent, I think you officially have enough room to host a conference for just under 100 people at your house! Count us in!

Anna Morrison said...

What a sweet sight!! Ahhh . . . camping. I do believe we have a few camping memories with you and Gavin. :)
Gavin gets some serious Dad points for that one.

Keri said...

Hey Emily! What beautiful photos. Camping can be such a bonding time with the kids - even if it is just in the backyard. You are a great photographer as well as a gifted writer. I'm happy for you that things have worked out so well for you all there. You all look so beautiful and healthy.

Sending my love,