Tuesday, July 10, 2007

European vs. American smelliness

In high school, we had several summers where my family invited French exchange students to live with us. It made a huge impact on me. As a high school student, I got the great gift of realizing that, although America may just be the greatest country in the world, it certainly isn't the only one! They were summers full of firsts, including the first time I found out that only American women shave their arm pits and wear deodorant:)

All of the girls wore eu de toilet - kind of like deodorant but more like perfume. You could still smell them, though. At the time, I was way too wrapped up in the American way of doing things, and too insecure to ever think about changing my daily grooming habits.

However, as the years pass I have come to appreciate and like our smells, and really appreciate the European grooming traditions. Now, before you start picturing me as some out of control amazon woman, I do still shave every where I'm supposed to, just not as often as I used to. I do not put on deodorant everyday, either.

...I can't believe I'm blogging about this!!! hahaha

My friend and her husband were debating on how often was the accepted application of deodorant. She asked her blog readers to comment because she is used to putting it on after every shower, where as her husband said he only put it on as needed. I started replying to her blog and realized that I was starting to write a blog in response to her question. So instead, I deleted my answer, gave a short and sweet answer and then began this blog! ....just so you know this isn't quite as random as it seems.

So, if you're convinced and you, too, decide to change your daily grooming habits, there are several exceptions to my rule of which you should be aware. When working out...which the Europeans are not known for doing..., if it's outside of the home, one must definitely add some deodorant, so as not to clear out the gym. Also, when meeting new people that may not appreciate your appreciation of the European grooming habits, it's a good idea to dab a little deodorant. After all, it is an acquired smell...:)

So, I like the European smelliness, if I do say so myself. I don't think it's that smelly. And we Americans should be proud of, and embrace our .....pits:)

What do you think?


LEstes65 said...

You are too funny! For me, it depends on the deoderant. If you use something like Toms - which doesn't have the aluminum whatever that most others have - it works pretty ok but it won't last days. That's a daily application one. But I use one of the evil ones with the aluminum whatever in it and I just put it on when I feel the need. And I don't shower every day. First, I don't have the time and, second, it totally takes too long. And I felt that way even before becoming a busy mom.

Hmmm...makes me wonder what my close friends would say in private. "Dang! She needs to shower more often!" Who knows. HA!

Trish Ryan said...

I'm a once-a-day deodorant girl. I like the way it smells better than the way I smell. It makes me happy when, at the end of a day of hiking or a run, I still smell like "silent rain." Not very PC of me, but it's the truth :)

Anna Morrison said...

Em, I really appreciate the thoughtfulness of your post. I am excited about checking your blog daily. I have missed you.