Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Still Celebrating

As is tradition in the Brown family, I am still celebrating my birthday from last Wednesday! We "Brown girls" have an uncanny way of stretching out our birthday's. It's been the running joke for so many years, beginning with my mom.

Speaking of mom, she has been here since last Friday, as part of my birthday. She has been such a blessing, as usual! While she has been here I have slept in every morning (a great perk since I'm still having to get up twice through the night to feed Elle), this morning I even got breakfast in bed!!!! She has done the laundry (the dreaded task in my house), and let me sneak away for a few spa baths. That's right! I have actually shaved my legs more than once over the past five days! ....it's been a while:)

She is so wonderful with the girls, spoiling them just enough not to ruin them and still holding them to a standard of discipline that is expected in our home. Someday I hope she'll be able to have a restful vacation when she visits, but for now she works very hard to help me with the many tasks of our young family. She is amazing! I can't do enough to sing her praises. I am so blessed to be her daughter. I couldn't have asked for a more precious birthday present than to have her here for a visit.

I received another birthday present tonight from my dear sister. Most of you know that she is away for the year on a mission trip with Adventures in Missions. She, and her team, are joining already established and functioning missionaries and groups to serve orphanages, facilitate camps and whatever else needs to be done...including building a bamboo fence from scratch. She has been in the S. Africa region for the past two months and is soon heading to Thailand.

We all miss her terribly, though we are so happy for this life changing opportunity. Few days go by without one of us mentioning how much we miss her, or sharing a memory about her. (Jen, this week Rae and I were cooking something, I can't remember what now, but she stopped and looked down at the floor, as only Rae can, and then said "I'm remembering how we used have cooking shows with Aunt Jenny. I really miss her, Mommy". It was very sweet and we said a little prayer for you. The girls pray for you every night and it's always something different.)

Her birthday present to me was writing a blog in honor of me. It was very moving. By far, this is my most treasured birthday present. Thank you, Jenny for your kind words. I am equally blessed and humbled by your love.

(you can check out what she wrote by going to her blog, under my favorite stops on the left, if you're interested.)

Gavin and I will still have a bit of celebrating to do when we attend the Indigo Girls concert in late August at Wolftrap! I'm so excited.

I am so blessed! Thank you for a birthday to be remembered!

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