Wednesday, July 18, 2007

A New Year....A New "Do"

Today is my birthday. I've had a wonderful day filled with lots of kisses, hugs, "happy birthday, mommy"'s, calls from family, emails from friends, dinner at the Melting Pot....of course! And......TICKETS TO SEE THE INDIGO GIRLS!!!! I'm so excited! Our seats are very close to the stage. I can't wait!! The concert is in August at WolfTrap.

The girls were precious to me. We started the day running errands and then headed to the Maryland Youth Ballet in Silver Springs, MD. We ate at Chick Fil A, then shared a mint cookie milkshake together before heading back home to get ready for our birthday dinner at the Melting Pot in D.C.

Even though Elle didn't do so well (cried almost the entire two hours we were there, except for the thirty minute nap she took in the booth) ...she was NOT a happy camper, we still had a great time. Gavin had arranged for a babysitter and dinner at one of our favorite French restaurants, but I told him I'd rather have the whole family together for my birthday. Our ten year anniversary is coming up in a month, and that will be just the two of us, so it was ...nice, even with said screaming baby, to be together tonight. The girls LOVE the Melting Pot. It's always been one of my favorite places, even since middle school when my best friend, Jessica, and her mom invited me to dine with them there.

Gavin and I have celebrated many special occasions at the various Melting Pot's throughout the east coast, and one Cincinnati location:)

Oh, also, I got a new haircut this week in honor of my 31st birthday. It's a big hit:)

Love to all my friends and family, and especially Gavin. These 31 years just would not have been the same without you all!!


Trish Ryan said...

HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! You look happy and gorgeous. God is good :)

Anna Morrison said...

You sexy thing you! You look great! Really. I mean it.
Scott is going to be jealous about your tickets. Enjoy!
Love you.