Thursday, July 05, 2007


In our home, drama is a staple. Not crazy, Jerry Springer drama, but drama nonetheless. We have small bouts of dramatic episodes. The performance usually is given by Raegan or Reece. Many times Gavin takes a turn, especially if he's feeling the slightest bit ill. I must also admit my occasional dramatic performance, which could in fact be Oscar worthy, I might add.

I've always had a sense of missing my calling as a dramatic actor/comedian.....but I digress..:)

The dramatic performance today was given by the incomparable Raegan Long, who was feeling a teeny bit under the weather and, therefore, was milking it for ALL it was worth. And, it turns out, is still trying to milk it long after she should be asleep.

*pause* to go get some medicine for her, which she has requested, and yet is back asleep before Gavin can get it back in the room.

Okay, we're back. Now, to be fair, she does have a slight cold. And this cold is pretty serious....when she's paying attention to it.

I must also add here that she does come by her dramatic nature fairly. I'm telling you the truth, that no one has ever had a cold or cough episode like Gavin has had one, anytime he has one. hahaha. The boy almost dies every time he gets the sniffles. It's serious.

I wouldn't say so about myself, of course, but my friends say that I am quite the actor/comedian, as well. (a little shout out to Jane Austen..I always love that line from Emma)

If it weren't for our dramatic natures I don't think we'd have nearly as much fun around here, or as many quarrels, but hey, you take the good with the bad, right?! (but we have far more fun than we do quarrels)

Back to Rae, she did the tissue dance on and off throughout the day. What's that? You don't know the tissue dance? I'll explain: you sit with a glum look on your face, and a box of kleenex in front of you, then blow your nose; get up and walk to the furthest place possible to throw it in the trash, preferably across the room (because mom hasn't noticed the dance yet and brought you a bag to put your tissues in, poor you!). Then you immediately start the process again, even if you don't really have to blow your nose!! It's quite an intricate dance. You may need to practice first. Don't be too hard on yourself if you don't get it right the first few times. Practice makes perfect!

You know you have successfully performed the tissue dance if your loved one offers to get you a bag to put your tissues in. If you have to ask for one, you've either performed poorly or not properly trained the respective loved one sitting in the room with you.

Do I sound cold hearted?! Nay, do not say such things. When my children are really sick or hurting I am very nurturing. I admit that nurturing is not my strongest trait, but when there is real sickness my grand nurture-nature shines through like a beacon of healing light on a cloudy day. ...Of course, I wouldn't say so about myself, but all my friends say it is so.

Then you may hear Gavin's account of the time his co-workers had to convince me of how they thought he really was sick and should go to the emergency room, which I thought was silly, only to later find out that he was passing a kidney stone.......hehehe. Everyone makes mistakes. But that's what Gavin would say, and you can't always believe everything you hear.

Drama! It is a spice of life, and I'm secretly happy to see my children have some, under control, harmless, laugh-worthy, enjoyable dramatic skill:)

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