First, let me begin by addressing my dear friend, Kim.
Kim, I'm sorry I didn't even see your last comment asking me about how we deal with the whole abortion issue on my Palin post. When I wrote that last post (Obama vs. McCain) it was in response to your comment about the Obama campaign needing to refocus. I was only addressing that point. I would be more than happy to talk about how we can reconcile voting for Obama despite his pro-choice stance.
Before I get into the depths of why I believe the issue of Abortion is a Red Herring in this election,
here is a link to my sister's page, further speaking to why we have chosen to vote for Obama, as Christians, despite his pro-choice stance.
A Red Herring is a term meaning: something intended to divert attention from the real problem or matter at hand (
We find ourselves in a different circumstance than we did twelve years ago. Back then we had a president with the intent of furthering abortion laws and pro-choice rights. We had a President that signed into existence partial-birth abortion. Eight years ago, I voted majorly on the issue of abortion because President Bush had plans to reverse the partial-birth abortion act and made it a major piece of his platform.
If Hillary were the first name on this ticket for President....abortion would be a MAJOR issue, yet again. She also had plans to further abortion laws and pro-choice rights. She is a heavy proponent of abortion.
However, that is NOT the case in THIS election.
Some background, quickly: Abortion rates are lower than they have been in over three decades. An
article from Time magazine talks about how no one can figure out why this is. Each side is offering their own reasons and claiming credit, but one option that is not present in this article, that I believe is most relevant, is the work of the Church.
Women's shelters around this world, Christian-based clinics focused on educating and loving rather than judging, I believe are to be credited for this thirty-five year low. The Church was impassioned by Roe v. Wade. I call it "the awakening of the political Christian". Christians chose different ways to combat this new reality. Some began lobbyist groups and spent their time on Capitol Hill. Some chose to judge. Many others chose to open up their homes, clinics, shelters to a lost and hurting world - understanding, that for a woman (whose life was not in danger) to be so morally bankrupt and desperate that she would consider taking the life of an innocent baby, meant that she was in great need!! These Christians have turned back the rates of abortion. They have put their faith into action. They have changed the world. There is still much to be done, but how you and I chose to fight may differ.
Abortion is a Red Herring in THIS election because Obama has no plans to further abortion laws or the pro-choice movement. You can see
here that he has no plans of reversing Roe v. Wade, but also has no plans of expanding the pro-choice agenda. He also challenges Democrats and pro-choice advocates to consider the moral dimension, too often over looked.
Furthermore, McCain has NO agenda regarding abortion or Roe v. Wade. Even with Pres. Bush in office, one who had the abortion issue as one of the key issues of his platform, hasn't done anything to reverse Roe v. Wade.
We must fight for life! Voting for McCain, however, does not accomplish that goal. This fight is won in our homes; with our children, first; and then in our neighborhoods, and towns, and cities.
The issue of abortion is a distraction in this particular election. We need to be focused, as Christians, on how we can truly live out Matthew 25; being our brothers and our sisters keeper; to the family loosing their home to foreclosure, the family so overwhelmed with medical bills they can hardly keep their heads above water, the homeless man we see or pass every day, sitting in the same spot month after month, the small business going down because they can't compete with the chains.
As only ONE example, since this is already too long: Trickle down economics has worked to some degree, we saw that to be true in the 80's with Reagan. The difference between then and now, is that our trickle down economics is now trickling down into India, and small town America is dying! Obama is not trying to get those jobs back (as was falsely stated during the RNC), but wants to get rid of the tax break for companies taking jobs overseas and give it to companies willing to create and keep jobs here. That doesn't mean big companies can't continue their practices overseas, it just means they won't be rewarded for it, by the government. McCain thinks the economy is in good standing (Aug. 20, 2008) and yet the second largest investment bank, Lehman Bros., filed for bankruptcy today.
When our fellow brothers and sisters are loosing jobs and homes and health insurance, we as Christians, need to be stepping in to help; fighting for those who can't fight for themselves. There's so much more to say, but this isn't the proper forum to completely express my thoughts. I hope you can get the idea of what I'm talking about with Matt 25 and how we need to broaden our scope beyond abortion when voting in this upcoming election.
I would LOVE to hear your thoughts on this. be continued.